wmic: Getting process (and arguments!) in a remote server
wmic can be very convenient to obtain information about the processes running on a remote server.
I downloaded a VM from dev.modern.ie/tools/vms for testing. (It's valid only for 30 days and doesn't permit to be licensed!) and have been testing it.
A curious question came in - how to find remote processes in a windows PC using wmic? How will you get the complete arguments?
C:\>wmic /node:ie8winxp /user:IE8WINXP\Administrator /password:Passw0rd! /output:stdout process list /format:htable " > c:\temp.html
I downloaded a VM from dev.modern.ie/tools/vms for testing. (It's valid only for 30 days and doesn't permit to be licensed!) and have been testing it.
A curious question came in - how to find remote processes in a windows PC using wmic? How will you get the complete arguments?
C:\>wmic /node:ie8winxp /user:IE8WINXP\Administrator /password:Passw0rd! /output:stdout process list /format:htable " > c:\temp.html
Note that the redirection above will be to local desktop's c:\temp.html, not remote c:\temp.html
If you wish to redirect to an internal file in the remote PC, you can simply save the command in the remote host and call it.
Save the below as a file, say c:\temp\1.bat
wmic process list /format:htable > c:\temp.html
Call it using :
C:\>wmic /node:ie8winxp /user:IE8WINXP\Administrator /password:Passw0rd! process call create "C:\temp\1.bat"
Examples at : http://ss64.com/nt/wmic.html
And more at: http://blogs.technet.com/b/jhoward/archive/2005/02/23/378726.aspx